Many people looked strangely at me when I said I was going to India. So, let's address what my sister and I concluded were the 3 elephants … [Read More...]
Satisfying my Curiosity

A Festival of Color: Traveling to India
When I mentioned to my husband that I wanted to go to India, he said the same thing he had said to me last year about going to Cuba. He … [Read More...]

A Woman of a Certain Age Sings with Barbra Streisand
Well, more like sings along while in the last row on the floor at the huge Toyota Center in downtown Houston. We were told time and again … [Read More...]

Shades of Jane Austen to Shades of John Ford’s The Searchers: 2 Great Books to Read
I have never been a great fan of Jane Austen. Gasp! But I love the movies made from her novels. I got an email from Book of the Month … [Read More...]
The Hamilton Affair and The Perfect Horse: Two Very Good Reads
The Hamilton Affair by Elizabeth Cobbs The Perfect Horse by Elizabeth Letts It seems that historical fiction is on a roll. Many times … [Read More...]

A Potpourri of Small Books
I was dusting my library the other day (does that sound pretentious?) and came across a slew of “little” books that either had been given to … [Read More...]

A Woman of a Certain Age Salsa’s with PitBull
I was trolling the internet late one night for possible concerts that my sister and I might like to attend. I checked for the local arena … [Read More...]

Outlander: The Rock Opera
I was bored silly on a 24 hour flight, layover schedule. You know. You can only watch so many movies. I had my iPod with me and decided, … [Read More...]

Ernest Hemingway and Art in Havana
Ernest Hemingway is an icon in Cuba. We went to just about every haunt he ever haunted in Cuba. Our first stop was El Floridita Bar, birth … [Read More...]

Guantanermera; Welcome to Havana
There are a couple of things you learn right from the get go when you visit Havana. The first is...yes indeed, those old cars are there and … [Read More...]