So, flash forward to this month. My daughter has decided to take a job in London. I go over to help her look for a place. This is not an easy process. Like most big cities, there are tons of varying neighborhoods, each with its own ambiance and level of safety. Speaking of safety. Remember my mentioning the “bobbies” with the mirrors? There are probably more cameras in London than there are in Hollywood. There is virtually a camera on every corner. Al Qaeda anyone? Then there is no MLS, multiple listing system. Each landlord lists his property with one or two agents. You have to go from letting agent to letting agent and each one has different properties. And then there is the expense. The dollar sucks compared to most currencies. Well, maybe not the Zimbabwe dollar. You get 376 ZD for every 1 USD. For every 1 USD, you get .62GBP (British pounds). So, for a 400 square ft. apartment with no closet space, maybe a cook top and one of those combination washer/dryer thingees, you pay for a half decent place in a half decent neighborhood around $525 PER WEEK! Now, that’s if you’re looking in central London. Which she had been doing. There’s a large expat community in London and they all recommended that as a newbie, it would be beneficial for her to live close in to work. She did end up finding a great little place, full of light with hardwood floors in a nice residential neighborhood but only a few blocks from the famous Portobello street and a minute and a half walk to the tube, which is a direct line to work. She moves in in mid-Nov. The place is furnished. Well, sort of. So, she’s there and we’re here setting up Skype and video cameras and microphones so we can keep in touch. I had always told my husband that if the airlines he’s worked with over the years ever asked him to move overseas for a temp assignment, I’d be there. Well, for our daughter, this isn’t a temp assignment. But all we want for her is to be happy. And if London does that, then cheerio and pip pip and lead me to the house of silly walks….On my next blog, I’ll tell you about all of the fun taxes the Brits put up with. 17.5% VAT anyone?
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